Fixed a problem with the Edit command on macOS 10.13 High Sierra.The fixes and improvements in Fetch 5.7.7 are: Version 5.7.7 was also released with a bevy of fixes and updates including the following: Support for preserving the modification dates of uploaded files.Find field for filtering the file list to show only the files you want.Sync shortcuts between Macs using Dropbox or a shared file server.View the overall progress and time remaining of multi-file transfers.Some of the new features in Fetch include: The package is available from Fetch Softworks for $29.95 for the full package. It supports both standard FTP as well as SFTP protocols. Fetch is a popular FTP client which runs on most newer macs and requires Mac OS X version 10.5 or newer. The Fetch FTP client for Mac OS X has been updated.

TechAlliance Products Catalog Spring 1989.Cyber Jack: Synergistic & Robert Clardy.In cases where nothing has changed, we have re-used portions of last year's review with updated screenshots and links.

We’ll pay the most attention to the new stuff, but we’ll also detail each and every one of OS X Server’s services, explaining what it does, how to use it, and where to find more information about it. As with our pieces on Mavericks and Mountain Lion, this article should be thought of as less of a review and more of a guided tour through everything you can do with OS X Server. Still, the Yosemite version of OS X Server changes enough to be worth revisiting. But now OS X Server is changing very little from version to version, and since the untimely death of the Mac Mini Server, Apple isn't even selling any kind of server-oriented hardware. The software hasn’t grown stagnant, really-certainly not to the extent of something like Apple Remote Desktop, which only gets updated when it’s time to support a new OS X version. That much was clear when Mavericks Server came out a year ago with just a handful of welcome-but-minor tweaks and improvements.